Expectations Of A Woman From Her Man In A Relationship

What Woman Expects From Her Man In A Relationship


Man thinks that understanding a woman is a hard task but how much time man has tried to know her they failed each time. A Woman is said to be the synonym of mystery but she always wants to be solved by her man. She expects to listen and understand by her partner but as the man thinks it difficult to so vivahsanyog.com is in here to tell you about the expectations of a woman from a man.

Tips- How to Understand a Woman
       Do not Ever Lie: The marriage becomes worthless if it travels through the alley of lies. A woman always expects from her man that he would never lie to her ever, and would never keep her in darkness. She expects that her man always be loyal to her, and never hide any important decisions, concepts which could get reveal in future from someone else.

2    Always Redeem Promises: The one simple thing which can make any relation strong on its own is always keeping the promise alive and full filling it forever. Women are more sensitive than man they feel promise as a support an unspoken promise she expects to redeem by her man strong that support.

3    Give Time: Everyone wants to spend their time and make it special by spending it with those people whom they love and care. The Expectation of a woman from her man is, she just wants her man to spend quality time with them be going to dinner or by just listening to her.

4    Listen to them: A man can make their woman feel special just by giving them time and listening to them as listening acts like a healer on a wounded relationship. We always as an individual wants someone who would listen to them unconditionally and that’s why when someone listens to us we feel wanted and special as there are lots of people in the world who wants to talk, express, share their thoughts but rare are people who listen. Listening is a big support which a woman expects from her man always.

5    Support: What a woman expect from her man is Support; Support is a thing which leads us towards our turmoil with great enthusiasm whether there were a big determination and efforts too. In a marriage support means understanding, caring, appreciating, forgetting, and forgiving. Emotional support acts and works far more big and better in a relationship than any other support.
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